Saturday 28 February 2015

February 2015: The One Where We Baked Rainbows.

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

February 2015: The One Where We Baked Rainbows.

February 1: A late lunch.

February 2: Monday morning marmalade muffins.
February 3: Puffed up pittas.
February 4: Willing Spring to hurry up with strawberry jelly.
February 5: A good day for a trifle.
February 6: A surprisingly good Friday night fish supper.
February 7: A lazy tiramisu.
February 8: Notes.
February 9: Soup for a grey day.
February 10: The joy of already-marinaded chicken in the fridge.
February 11: Nemesis.
February 12: Actually obsessed.
February 13: What dinner looks like sometimes.
February 14: In love with chalkboard labels and markers. 
February 15: Pancakes with lemon and sugar. The best.
February 16: You know something is going taste good when it looks amazing before going into the oven.
February 17: Hadith of the day.
February 18: Golden quesadilla. 
February 19: Trying to match Maltesers.
February 20: A good day to pipe.
February 21: Donner day!
February 22: Victoria Sandwich, rainbow cake and Eton Mess mash up.
February 23: One slice left.
February 24: The smoke alarm nearly going off was worth it for this chicken.
February 25: The end result was worth all this chaos.
February 26: Tackling a giant cauliflower for dinner.
February 27: When only a baked potato will do.
February 28: Hadith of the day.

February 2015:

My favourite blog recipe: Chocolate Orange Biscuits
Your favourite blog recipe: Chicken Kofta Curry
My favourite week in pictures: Pancakes + rainbow cupcakes + piping in colour
Your favourite week in pictures: Saturday pancakes + trifle + recipe testing
My favourite Instagram post: This one.
Your favourite Instagram post: This one.
Craziest disaster: The time when I thought my macarons were going oh-so-well, then I baked them and this happened.
Lessons Learnt: This month, I have learnt that when it comes to blogging, being yourself is best. There are millions of blogs out there but there is only one of you. So, you make your blog the way you want it. 
I'll give you an example. I used to (and still do) see so many food blogs with perfect photos and food styling. And, I used to think that I should be doing that too. But it wasn't something I was comfortable with. I'm not saying that food styling etc. is wrong or anything - I love me a good food shot. But, personally, when I take pictures for this blog, I like my food to look natural and in its comfort zone. And, for me that's the kitchen where it was cooked. On the plates on which it will be eaten. 
So, what I'm trying to say is kinda encapsulated in the above - creativity is not a competition. Whatever you're doing, whether it's blogging or anything, be comfortable. Do what makes you feel happy not what you think should make you happy. 
I hope that makes sense.

Baking Challenge: French Macarons. And you know what happened.
Healthy Recipe Challenge: A grain salad. Which never happened.

This month of February has flown by but it's been a good one. I hope that it has brought you plenty of goodness too, and if not, then there's always March.


Spice Enthusiast
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