Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Garlic Sauce

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!

This recipe is for Garlic Sauce. Now, I love the bottled sauce as much as the next person but when I tried this homemade kind, it had so much more flavour. It can be eaten with anything from chips to roast chicken but I served it with my homemade chicken donner kebab.

A Simple List of Ingredients:

1. Mayonnaise
2. Salt
3. White Pepper
4. White Wine Vinegar
5. Double Cream
6. Garlic
7. Black Pepper

Bismillah, let's begin!

Place 5 tablespoons mayonnaise into a bowl.

Add about 1/4 teaspoon salt, or to taste.

1/4 teaspoon white pepper

2 tablespoons white wine vinegar

2 tablespoons double cream

And, most important of all, 2 grated or crushed garlic cloves.

Giver everything a good stir, taste and adjust the seasoning if needed, and sprinkle on crushed black pepper.
Serve straight away or keep in the fridge until needed. You can also adjust the recipe to your needs.


Spice Enthusiast
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