Sunday, 20 January 2013

Orange, Honey and Chilli Kebabs

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!

This recipe is a perfect and refreshing balance of sweet, sour, salty and chilli. Don't be afraid to use the orange juice and zest. It tastes wonderful in the end. I grilled these kebabs on skewers along with tomatoes, peppers and onions. But I forgot to take pictures of the end product so .. sorry! But the pictures of the marinade is here, not to worry!

This recipe contains honey. The honey bee is one of the only animals that Allah has mentioned in the Quran in Surah Nahal Verse 68:

And your Lord inspired the bee that makes houses in the hills and in the trees and in the roofs.

Honey has also been frequently mentioned in the Ahadith. In a Hadith of Bukhari, Hazrat Aisha (ra) says:

"The Prophet Muhammad (saw) used to like sweet edible things and honey."  

Inshallah, by making this recipe using honey and having the intention of carrying out a sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (saw), we will gain the reward of carrying out a sunnah.

A Simple List of Ingredients:

1. Fresh Ginger
2. Fresh Garlic
3. Fresh Orange Zest
4. Spring Onions
5. Fresh Orange Juice
6. Soy Sauce
7. Sunflower Oil
8. Honey
9. Salt
10. Red Chilli Powder
11. Boneless Chicken Pieces

Bismillah, let's start!

To make the marinade, take 1 inch piece of fresh ginger, cut into chunks.

And, 4 cloves of fresh garlic.

And, 3 spring onions, roughly chopped.

And, the zest of 1 orange.

Place the ingredients into a food processor (I used a mini one), and blitz ...

...until finely chopped.

Next, add the juice of 1 orange.

Next, add 1 tablespoon soy sauce.

And, 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil and 2 tablespoons of honey.

And blitz again!

Next, add 2 teaspoons of red chilli powder.

And blitz again!

Pour into a mixing bowl. Add salt to taste and more chilli powder if  you want to

Stir to combine.

Add 1 pound of boneless chicken pieces.

To cook, thread onto skewers along with the vegetables of your choice. I used peppers, onions and tomatoes. Grill under a grill or in a grill pan or even on a barbecue, until the chicken is fully cooked.


Orange, Honey and Chilli Kebabs


·     1 inch Fresh Ginger, peeled and cut into chunks
·     4 Garlic Cloves, peeled
·     3 Spring Onions, roughly chopped
·     Zest of 1 Orange
·     Juice of 1 Orange
·     1 tablespoon Soy Sauce
·     2 tablespoons Sunflower Oil
2 tablespoons Honey
·     2 teaspoons Red Chilli Powder
·     Salt, to taste
·     1 pound Boneless Chicken Pieces


1.   Place the ginger, garlic, spring onions and orange zest into a food processor and blend.

2.  Add the orange juice, soy sauce and sunflower oil, honey, red chilli powder and salt. Blend again, and pour the mixture into a mixing bowl.

3.  Add the chicken pieces and mix well. Marinade for a few hours or overnight.

4.  To cook, thread the chicken onto skewers with the vegetables of your choice. Cook under the grill or in a grill pan until golden brown and cooked through.

5.  Serve straight away!

Spice Enthusiast
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