Getting the lamb leg in to bake!
It had marinaded in the fridge for two nights.
While the lamb baked, we prepared everything else.
First, a Himalayan salad.
This was really spicy and full flavour. It included purple cabbage, carrots, white radish and a mustard oil, fenugreek seed and turmeric dressing. For extra punch, it was finished with crushed Sichaun peppercorns and crushed red chilli flakes.
Next, we fried lentil fritters to make dahi baray.
I decided against dipping the fried fritters in water as some recipes do.
The chutneys had been made the day before - a red pepper chutney, seasoned Greek yoghurt and a date and tamarind chutney.
I drizzled on the sauces the best I could ....
... and finished the whole platter with fresh coriander and pomegranate seeds.
Another salad in the form of a Nepalese potato salad with carrots, peas and a toasted sesame seed dressing.
And, a cucumber and onion raita with mint!
After around 4 hours, the lamb was finally done.
The leg was around 4kg and had to literally be stuffed into the oven. Alhamdulillah, it just about fit!
Using a meat thermometer really helped with this roast lamb. You'll be surprised how often the lamb looks cook but the inside is still not fully cooked.
After 20 minutes resting time, it was sliced and ready to serve!
Our Eid lunch was ready!
We started with the savoury ...
.... and ended with sweet!
This year's Eid cake!
An Eton Mess cake with coconut milk, honey and a cream cheese whipped cream!
Topped with berries and homemade mini swirled meringues!
Perfect for a summer Eid!
I hope you had a wonderful Eid! Eid Mubarak to you once again!