Tuesday, 31 March 2015

March 2015: The One Where Daffodils Grew.

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

March 2015: The One Where Daffodils Grew.

March 1: chicken tikka day.
March 2: no words.
March 3: strawberry snack.
March 4: rosemary and garlic all the way, my friends.
March 5: my Mother makes an awesome quiche.
March 6: a glimpse of Spring.
March 7: breakfast things.
March 8: time to swirl!
March 9: plenty of onions today.
March 10: and, plenty of pakoras today.
March 11: red, white and green.

March 12: the magic of chocolate and butter.
March 13: tea, rusks and new books.
March 14: my beloved dough hook.
March 15: spice and all things nice.
March 16: something new.
March 17: butter galore.
March 18: spaghetti night.
March 19: shooting a loaf of brioche.
March 20: the eclipse.
March 21: spring has sprung.
March 22: spring cleaning - I have way too much stuff.
March 23: faffing about with brioche and dark chocolate.
March 24: saag, glorious saag.
March 25: lunch things.
March 26: obsessed with mango.
March 27: baking cornflakes.
March 28: salted chocolate though.
March 29: steam rising.
March 30: those bubbles though.
March 31: this created so much washing up.

March 2015:

My favourite blog recipe: Chicken Quesadillas + Fresh Tomato Salsa. 
Your favourite blog recipe: The Chocolate Cake.
My favourite week in pictures: Pooris + First Daffodils + Green Tea.
Your favourite week in pictures: Sunday Baking + Eton Mess + Peanut Butter Cookies. 
My favourite Instagram post: This one.
Your favourite Instagram post: This one.

Craziest disaster: When I made a giant batch of strawberry jam but strayed from my usual trustworthy recipe (this one) and instead, tried out a new one. It contained way too much sugar and was sickly-sweet. Thankfully, after a few days, the sugar calmed down and now it's perfect. Alhamdulillah. 
Lessons learnt: Catching up with old friends is the best. Not only does it give you a chance to catch up with them but it gives you a chance to catch up with you. 
We live such busy lives that years go by without us even noticing. We barely have time to catch our breath before the next job or project begins.
Taking the time out to catch up with someone you haven't spoken to in ages is good for you too. As you talk about what you've been up to and what life is at the moment for you, self-evaluation begins.
So, after you've read this, I hope that you too will reach out to an old friend that you haven't spoken to in ages, and have a good old chat.
You'll be glad you did!
Baking Challenge: A loaf of brioche. And, here is what happened.
Healthy recipe challenge: I was supposed to make hummus which I didn't do. But I have made it before which is a plus. You can see it here.

March, you've been amazing, alhamdulillah. I cannot wait to see what April brings. May Allah make it a source of good for us all - Ameen.


Spice Enthusiast
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