Friday, 15 November 2013

Spicy Lemon Chicken Burger

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!

This recipe is for a Spicy Lemon Chicken Burger. It is a chicken kebab in a toasted bun with salad and a creamy and spicy lemon sauce. Serve with fries and a cold drink!

A Simple List of Ingredients:

1. Creme Fraiche
2. Dried Oregano
3. Salt
4. Black Pepper
5. Lemon Juice
6. Green Chillies
7. Mayonnaise
8. Plain Flour
9. Chicken Mince
10. Onions
12. Red Chilli Powder
13. Ginger
14. Garlic
15. Mustard Paste
16. An Egg
17. Burger Buns
18. Salad
19. Cheese Slices

Bismillah, let's begin!

First, to make the creamy lemon mayo, place two tablespoons creme fraiche into a bowl.

Four tablespoons mayonnaise

1/2 teaspoon black pepper

Two tablespoons lemon juice

1/2 teaspoon dried oregano

Four finely chopped green chillies

Give the sauce a good mix, and taste for seasoning. Set aside until needed.

Next, to make the chicken burgers, take one pound (1/2 kg) chicken mince. You can use lamb mince, but then they would be lamb burgers!

Add one teaspoon crushed ginger and one teaspoon crushed garlic. Or if you have it, one tablespoon ginger and garlic paste.

Add four finely chopped green chillies.

Two finely chopped onions

One teaspoon salt and one teaspoon black pepper

One teaspoon red chilli powder

One tablespoon mustard paste

Four tablespoons plain flour

And, finally, crack in one egg.

Mix the mixture very well until combined. Chill in the fridge for 30 minutes.

To cook the burgers, heat a few tablespoons of oil into a pan. Form the chicken mixture into patties, and fry on both sides until golden brown and cooked all the way through.

To assemble the burger, slice a burger bun into half and toast.

Place one half of the bun onto a plate.

Spread liberally with the lemon mayo that we made earlier.

Next, place on any salad of your choice. I chose sliced cucumbers and tomatoes.

Then, place on one of the cooked burgers.

Add cheese slices.

Spread the lemon mayo onto the second half of the bun.

Sandwich the two halves together, and serve!


Spice Enthusiast
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