Sunday, 5 May 2013

My Mums' Battered Fish Curry

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!

This recipe is for My Mums' Battered Fish Curry. My mum makes this amazing curry now and again, but when she does make it, it is finished in no time. This time, she used haddock fillets but you can use any kind - be adventurous. I'm really picky when it comes to fish, but lately I've been trying to eat different types. I haven't quite got to salmon yet, but I'm trying!

A Simple List of Ingredients:
1. Haddock Fillets
2. Gram Flour
3. Red Chilli Powder
4. Onions
5. Garlic
6. Vegetable Oil
7. Curry Powder
8. Salt
9. Ground Coriander
10. Water
11. Tomatoes
12. Ground Cumin
13. Fresh Coriander

Bismillah, let's cook! 

Take 8 pieces sliced haddock fillet. You can use any fish you like - be adventurous! 

To make the batter for the haddock, take 4 oz gram flour and dump into a mixing bowl.

Add 1 teaspoon red chilli powder, or more if you're feeling up to it.

Add 1 teaspoon curry powder. This adds great flavour.

Season with 1 teaspoon salt.

Add 1 teaspoon ground coriander.

Stir everything together.

Add enough water to form a smooth paste.

Add the haddock pieces.

And, stir until the haddock is well coated in the batter.

Heat about 1/2 pint vegetable oil in a frying pan.

When the oil is hot, add the haddock. You will need to fry the fish in batches unless you have a gigantic frying pan!

Fry the haddock until cooked through and golden brown on both sides.

Drain on paper towels.

To make the curry sauce, take 4 peeled and sliced medium onions.

Peel 3 garlic cloves.

Heat a few tablespoons vegetable oil into a large pan, and add the onions and garlic cloves.

Saute for a few minutes ..

.. until the onions are a light golden brown.

Add a splash of boiling water from the kettle.

Cook until the onions are a dark golden brown.

Roughly slice up 2 tomatoes.

Add the tomatoes.

Add 1 teaspoon salt.

Add 2 teaspoons red chilli powder.

Add 1 teaspoon ground coriander.

Add 1 teaspoon ground cumin.

Stir to combine.

Add another splash of boiling water from the kettle.

Bring the sauce to a boil.

Cover and simmer for 15 minutes. Make sure to stir every now and then.

Add a handful chopped fresh coriander.

Add the fried haddock pieces from earlier.

Stir gently to cover the fish in the sauce. Cover for 5 minutes.

Serve over hot boiled rice with a salad!


Spice Enthusiast
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