Fast forward to today and the site has grown beyond my wildest dreams. Thankfully, my love of sharing recipes has not decreased one bit. I have however over the years, learnt how to blog in the best way for myself.
If you go back to the start of the site, you'll see that I literally posted new recipes every single day. It was great fun but really tiring. I'm so glad that I now have a balance in my blogging life. I've learnt over the years that planning is the key to posting regularly.
I now shoot all my recipes a month in advance and only post twice a week. It keeps me and everyone around me sane and lets you have a chance to catch up with what is new here this week.
One thing that I am dying to start properly though are videos! I love sharing tutorials with you guys on my Instagram Stories but am definitely looking to upping my game and posting properly on YouTube. Do you watch recipe videos on YouTube? Which kind would you like to see from me? Fast ones or slower ones with more explanation.
I want to finish by saying thank you to you. Thank you for taking my recipes into your kitchen and making them your own. I love hearing your success stories and anecdotes. Thank you for letting me be, in the smallest way, a part of your life.
And as for all the sunflower photos, I just wanted to document them here. I'm still amazed that they grew from seeds alone. They're tall, strong and beautiful all at the same time. I've been reliably informed that these ones won't grow again next year so I thought I would capture them forever here. Leaving you now with a beautiful caption that I came across on this account this morning:
Keep me in your duas please!
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!