Sunday, 8 October 2017

Current Favourites #1: Chocolate Mug Cake and More!

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

It's a current favourites round-up from me. I love reading these kinds of posts (current faves include this and this) on a Sunday afternoon especially while enjoying a hot cup of coffee. So, I thought I would bring my own version of them back. This week, a smoothie obsession, those Portuguese custard tarts and a pasta bake craving. Plus 6 food ideas for your upcoming week!


I hit 17,000 followers on Instagram this week. Thanks for following along if you do!
Get ready for my smoothies from this week. First, a white smoothie with banana + ground almonds + milk + honey.
The green smoothie with banana + baby spinach + apple juice + lime juice.
An orange smoothie with ginger + carrot + frozen mango + orange juice + lime juice.
And, my personal favourite. The purple smoothie with pears + frozen blueberries + apple juice.
I know it's Autumn but these strawberries were just as sweet as they were in the Summer. We got them from Aldi.
Ingredients for a salad. That basket is from Pakistan and can collapse into a board as well. Not the best thing to try to do when it is filled with cherry tomatoes.
Sunday lunch - merguez sausages with herby yoghurt + an Italian chopped salad with practically the entire kitchen in it.
A Sunday evening roti production line.
Adding the most fragrant chillies to ...
Baked potatoes ready for the week. I like to use them at breakfast, lunch, dinner and anything in between. They're so versatile plus the smell of them baking can rival any cake.
Sadaf, the lovely designer, who re-designed my blog last year has a new site. See it here!
It felt so good to re-organize my baking trays and dishes this week.
The manja is going into the shed for the Winter months.
So excited about this book!
One of my favourite breakfasts these days - natural peanut butter on crispy toast with honey.
Autumn walks.
The most colourful dinner!
In the mood for cinnamon rolls after seeing this picture.
Been burning this candle all week. I got it from Aldi.
The best lunch.
Snack of choice this week. They're from Aldi.
On Wednesday night, I made my first ever microwave mug cake.

What my poor cousins have to put up with!
It was ridiculously good though. Will definitely be posting the recipe here soon.
I made those Portuguese custard tarts! They had the swirl and everything!
Mum's vegetable curry for Thursday night dinner.
Vegan 3 ingredient pancakes with maple syrup - I used this recipe.
Finally using this tea set!
Tea time.
The custard tarts made an appearance too.
Mum on pastry duty.
Veggie cheese pastries for the weekend.
Pasta bake with chicken, veggies and a thick cheese sauce on top. 
So excited for this book!

Six food ideas for your upcoming week:
chicken cheeseburgers.
snickerdoodle blondies.
cinnamon apple rolls.
yummy chicken curry.
the best chocolate brownies ever!

Keep me in your duas, please!

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.

Spice Enthusiast
© copyrights This Muslim Girl Bakes, All Rights Reserved. Branding & Blog Design by Sadaf F K.