Sunday, 6 September 2015

Bank Holiday Pav Bhaji + Double Brownies + Leek Courgette Fritters: 29 August - 4 September 2015.

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

how are you?
how was your Sunday? I hope it was filled with coffee, cake, sunshine and a few lazy hours. mine involved carrot soup with all the fixings, hot sunshine and pineapple splits. yep, it was good.

also, it's September and I'm so excited. in the past, September was met with dread because September meant school. but now school is no longer my thing, September is my favourite. it means autumn is not too far off and this year, autumn means apple pies, pumpkin pie spice, hot drinks, roaring fires and fairy lights. 
ooh, speaking of fairy lights, I ordered these on Friday after spotting them hanging at my cousin's house which you would've seen if you follow me on snapchat --> muslimgirlbakes.
they were so pretty and I couldn't resist. also, they're the ones that you plug in as opposed to the battery ones I have too many of at the moment. battery ones are cheaper but the batteries run out way too fast.
on to my week! Sunday baking happened with these biscuits and triple chocolate brown butter cookies. the freezer provided the latter and they were divine.

there was a bank holiday here on Monday so we rustled up an Indian street food.

this week has been the week of the brownie.

I baked them twice - once to share with all of you. also, this week, upping our fruit intake and crispy courgette leek fritters with a minty lemon garlic yoghurt dipping sauce. keep scrolling for more details and photos!


here's more from my week:

Saturday dinner and as always, everything begins with an onion. this one in particular was really strong - cue the tears.
cinnamon pea rice on the bubble.
to make this dish.
 Sunday morning pepper harvest.
ready to eat!
on Sundays, we bake.
on the tray, a small batch of brown butter triple chocolate chip cookies that I had frozen in Ramadan.
plus I baked these biscuits.
 bank holiday breakfast --> potato pancakes + spicy omelette.
melons taste so much juicier in balls.
this one was extra sweet.
vegetarian dinner with tomatoes, plenty of spice ..
.. and marrowfat peas!
we cooked a classic Indian street food and it was seriously good!
Update: Here is the full recipe.
 slicing up a tonne of oranges on Tuesday to snack on throughout the week.

along with plenty of tangerines.

the cutting up and putting in the fridge was such a good idea - we ate way more fruit this week.
inside the mangosteen!
broccoli + green beans + Savoy cabbage + carrots + red onion + spring onions --> ready to stir-fry!
Wednesday, and good things happen when butter meets chocolate.
like the fact that I added giant chocolate chunks to something already chocolatey enough.
and then figured I'd go the whole way and finish it with white chocolate chips.
no wonder we couldn't resist.
after all that chocolate, we decided on something a little more wholesome for dinner - leek courgette fritters. we began by drying out the vegetables.
then, they were mixed with self-raising flour + milk + salt + pepper + egg + crushed red chilli flakes + grated Cheddar.
before being spooned into hot vegetable oil and fried until crisp.
on the side, an easy minty garlic yoghurt dip. all you do is pound together fresh mint + lemon juice + garlic + lemon zest. 
stir that deliciousness through plain yoghurt, season with salt and pepper, and it's time to eat!
one of my fave meals for a long time. so simple but so good.
Thursday morning and time for a little brownie slicing.
those extra chocolate chunks were a very good idea.
time to package them up before they caused too much damage!
so. I got rid of one brownie batch and then promptly decided to bake some more.
pass me a spoon, please!
 Friday morning and yet more brownie slices.
these left the house pretty quick and will be heading your way soon, insha Allah.
wouldn't that be cool though? if I could bake things and post them to you?!
Update: Here is the full recipe.
fresh things at lunch --> cucumber + cherry tomatoes + melon + tangerines + oranges.
to accompany a toasted cheese salami bagel with pickle and chilli sauce.
to end the week, pizza.
with a stuffed crust.
guys, this is the pizza we had and I really want to re-create it at home.

this time one year ago:
pakora burgers + lime pie popsicles + fresh oregano

lately, on the blog:

baking bagels + mangosteens + picking cherries

August 2015: The One Where We Baked Giant Cookies

sticky, spicy chicken with pea + cinnamon rice
coconut + cardamom biscuits


And they brought upon his shirt false blood. (Jacob) said, "Rather, your souls have enticed you to something, so patience is most fitting. And Allah is the one sought for help against that which you describe".

{Surah Yusuf - Verse 18}

Keep me in your duas, please, and have a lovely week,


Spice Enthusiast
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