Thursday 18 June 2015

Coriander Chilli Cheese Toast.

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Ramadan 2015 is here!

Can you believe it?
The year has zoomed by and the blessed month is at our doorstep once more. Ramadan is a time to reconnect with the Almighty, to make our connection with Him better and to bring more of the things that He loves into our daily lives.
For me, it's a time of reflection and gratitude. I feel that Ramadan is always the divider of my year - there's before Ramadan and after Ramadan, and events are always judged by that standard. A few days ago, I looked back at my life posts during Ramadan 2014 which you can see here:
Week 1: Ramadan Begins + Salted Chocolate + Fruit Overload.
Week 2: Driving Tests + Coucous + Milkshakes.
Week 3: Victoria Sandwiches + Farm Walks + Shawarma.
Week 4: Ramadan Ends + Lemon Slush + Sunny Days.

Through the photos, memories of the blessed month came back and made me even more excited for this year. It also made me grateful for all the wonderful things that have happened in this year, one of which was hitting a million page views yesterday. Alhamdulillah, I am grateful for each and every one of you that stops by this little blog of mine. I pray that Allah gives you true happiness and contentment.
 Not to say that everything has been plain sailing - it never has. But we should be grateful for the hard times too. They build up our character and keep us on our toes. Remember, if life was always happy, would we turn to Allah as much? Allah only tests those that He loves.
When looking through my past posts, I came across photos of these coriander chilli cheese toasts. We made them for Iftar last year and hadn't thought of them since even though they were so delicious. They're a quick, satisfying and tasty meal - perfect for anytime of the day. It's like making your own spicy cheese blend with Cheddar, green chillies, fresh coriander and more!

Toast, previously: Baked Camembert with Garlic ToastGuacamole + Roasted Cherry Tomatoes + Soft-Boiled Eggs (on Toast!)

A Simple List of Ingredients:
1. Bread
2. Cheddar Cheese
3. Fresh Coriander
4. Green Chillies
5. Dried Oregano

Bismillah, let's begin!

This recipe could not be easier. Everything is to taste and feel free to add anything extra.
But but but, this cheese toast will be nothing if the grill isn't on, so pre-heat the grill to high! I'll show you later how I make these in a toastie machine!

First up, grate the cheese. I prefer to grate cheese at home rather than buy the pre-grated stuff. It has this coating on it that doesn't melt very nicely.

Grate up about a handful Mature Cheddar.

Next, dried oregano. This is quite a nostalgic ingredient for me as it reminds me of when my Mother makes pizza - she always finishes with a sprinkling of dried oregano.

Take about 1/2 teaspoon Dried Oregano.

For the spice, you could use a little crushed red chilli but we prefer fresh (or frozen) green chillies.

Thinly slice 1 Green Chilli. Also, take Salt and Pepper, to taste.

Finally, fresh (or frozen) coriander for some herby goodness. 
Random brain-thought: speaking of herby goodness, since basil is taking over our house, another good toastie combo would be fresh basil + tomatoes + mozzarella. yum.

Take a small handful Fresh Coriander, finely chopped.

And, that's it! Our little cheese mix is done! Give it a good mix-up and get ready to pile it onto some bread.

Speaking of bread, here's mine. It's 2 slices Wholemeal Bread.
Oh my gosh you guys, when I was younger, we only had brown bread in the house and so white bread was this foreign thing. Then, we went through a white bread phase (oh, it was so delicious) and now, having realized that the wholemeal stuff was better all along, are back to brown.

Anyway, use whatever bread you have in the bin (bread bin, that is) - white, brown, 50/50, ooh bread rolls.

Pile the cheese mixture on.

Fun fact: The cheese toast in these photos isn't the one in the end photos.

Once the cheese is on, it's time to grill.

Place the bread onto a tray.

And, put them under the grill for about 6-8 minutes.

Until they're golden and the cheese has melted. So, these were the ones in the process photos eaten by my dad.

And, we made more!

This time with fresh coriander instead of frozen which said father had just bought.

Yep, that's life. It's real and I love it. 

So, on the weekend that followed, I pulled this grill/toastie maker thing out of the cupboard.

And, made the cheese toasts again. This time, adding thinly sliced Tomato.

So once again, cheese + fresh coriander + dried oregano + green chilli.

This time, joined by slices of tomato. If you're into the whole raw onion thing, feel free to add them too.

We made them into proper sandwiches this time and grilled for about 8 minutes.

Slice them in half and eat straight away.

Oh, and you know that the burnt, cheesy bit on the ends are the best part!

Full Written Recipe:

Coriander Chilli Cheese Toast.

Prep Time: About 10 minutes.
Cook Time: About 8 minutes.
Serves: 2 people.

2 slices Bread
Cheddar Cheese, grated and to taste
½ teaspoon Dried Oregano
Green Chillies, thinly sliced and to taste
Small handful Fresh Coriander, finely chopped
Salt and Pepper, to taste
Tomato, thinly sliced (optional)


Pre-heat the grill to high.

Mix together the cheese, oregano, green chilli, fresh coriander, salt and pepper.

Sprinkle over the bread and add the tomato, if using.

Grill for about 6-8 minutes until bubbling and golden. Serve immediately!

{Adapted from Cook with Faiza}

This Time One Year Ago:

This Time Two Years Ago:

Keep me in your duas please, and enjoy your cheese toast,


Spice Enthusiast
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