Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

this week, we tried Chorley cakes for the first time and ate way too many ice lollies.

the weather has been beautiful in parts and plenty of cloud in others.

I tried making a sambar by toasting a whole host of different spices, baked a crumble cake with fresh rhubarb and am getting very obsessed with these blue skied mornings.

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

this week, we tried Chorley cakes for the first time and ate way too many ice lollies.
the weather has been beautiful in parts and plenty of cloud in others.
I tried making a sambar by toasting a whole host of different spices, baked a crumble cake with fresh rhubarb and am getting very obsessed with these blue skied mornings.
finally, there's been a lot of chocolate in the kitchen and I finally learnt to enjoy aubergine thanks to a great recipe from my Mother.
plus I made a really juicy salad which I cannot wait to share with you all soon!
here are more snaps from my week:
plus I made a really juicy salad which I cannot wait to share with you all soon!
here are more snaps from my week:
on a grey Saturday morning, I tried these Chorley Cakes.
not much to look at but it was delicious - a shortcrust pastry filled with currants and sultanas. may have to try and re-create it at home sometime.
later, baked potatoes with all the fixings. I like mine simple with cheese and onion deli filler.
leftover noodles for Sunday lunch.
Mondays in the garden with my favourite ice lolly.
this one!
for dinner, I toasted up a medley of different spices.
and made a sambar with them - I used carrots, peppers, potato and onion.
a sambar is a South Indian vegetable lentil stew using tamarind.
and it was particularly good served with rice for a meatless Monday.

this one!
for dinner, I toasted up a medley of different spices.
the scent coming off them was heavenly!
then I ground them all into a powder.and made a sambar with them - I used carrots, peppers, potato and onion.
a sambar is a South Indian vegetable lentil stew using tamarind.
and it was particularly good served with rice for a meatless Monday.
and I decided to bake a cake crumble with rhubarb.
sliced rhubarb was tossed with sugar and lemon juice.
then a ginger lemon scented cake batter was spread into the bottom of an oven dish.
the rhubarb was piled on top.
finally, a buttery cinnamon crumble was sprinkled on top.
and the whole thing was baked until bubbling.
and we ate it warm with scoops of vanilla ice cream. the recipe I used is here.
seriously, I think I'm obsessed with blue skies and fluffy clouds. another good one on Wednesday morning.
perfect for coffee in the garden!
later, frozen spinach. and some unpictured fresh.
onions on the go.
also, plenty of chocolate happening.
pretty swirls and ripples.
bowls scraped clean.
and my favourite biscuits!
Thursday morning fudge slicing.
and strawberry milkshake in the afternoon.

plenty of spice for dinner.
there was an aubergine in the fridge. so we decided to stuff it.
the flesh was scooped out and the shells were brushed with oil.
and roasted for 15 minutes at 180C.
then, soften an onion and 2 garlic cloves in a little oil. add 1/2 tin of tomatoes and cook. season with salt, crushed red chilli, ground cumin, ground coriander and curry powder. fry and then add the aubergine flesh (chopped) from earlier. let it soften and finish with fresh coriander.
fill the aubergine shells with this mixture.
sprinkle on grated Cheddar.
place under a hot grill until the cheese has melted and is golden.
serve up with whatever you like - for us, salad and grilled chicken.
those tulips are still blooming this Friday afternoon.
some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat.
lunch things - roasted sweet potato fries.
fresh coriander in the blender.
chicken on the grill.
the blender doing a bit of blitzing.
and lunch is done!
a few of my favourite links from around the web this week:
1. chicken veggie noodle stir-fry - the perfect midweek dinner.
2. a cake with all my favourites - enough said.
3. cranberry + orange marmalade tea cake - get the tea on, people.
4. fluffy banana, honey and cinnamon brekkie muffins - worth getting up for.
5. the beautiful month of Ramadan - it's on its way!
6. "Wake Up Call" Week - three things to do, insha Allah.
7. Norwegian surmelkslapper + strawberry compote - I'd make these for the name alone.
8. the instagrammers: @juliabesidethesea - an interview with one of my favourite instagrammers.
9. quit talking and start doing - yes!
10. glazed orange poppy seed bars - ooh yum.
11. migas breakfast tacos - my kind of breakfast.
12. aloo keema - keema grilled cheeses all the way, my friends.
have a beautiful week everyone - put your ice cream into a waffle cone, quit talking and start doing!
later, frozen spinach. and some unpictured fresh.
onions on the go.
spices in.
and chicken to make a chicken and spinach curry. the full photo recipe is here!also, plenty of chocolate happening.
pretty swirls and ripples.
bowls scraped clean.
and my favourite biscuits!
Thursday morning fudge slicing.
and strawberry milkshake in the afternoon.
plenty of spice for dinner.
there was an aubergine in the fridge. so we decided to stuff it.
the flesh was scooped out and the shells were brushed with oil.
and roasted for 15 minutes at 180C.
then, soften an onion and 2 garlic cloves in a little oil. add 1/2 tin of tomatoes and cook. season with salt, crushed red chilli, ground cumin, ground coriander and curry powder. fry and then add the aubergine flesh (chopped) from earlier. let it soften and finish with fresh coriander.
fill the aubergine shells with this mixture.
sprinkle on grated Cheddar.
place under a hot grill until the cheese has melted and is golden.
serve up with whatever you like - for us, salad and grilled chicken.
those tulips are still blooming this Friday afternoon.
some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat.
lunch things - roasted sweet potato fries.
fresh coriander in the blender.
chicken on the grill.
the blender doing a bit of blitzing.
and lunch is done!
a few of my favourite links from around the web this week:
1. chicken veggie noodle stir-fry - the perfect midweek dinner.
2. a cake with all my favourites - enough said.
3. cranberry + orange marmalade tea cake - get the tea on, people.
4. fluffy banana, honey and cinnamon brekkie muffins - worth getting up for.
5. the beautiful month of Ramadan - it's on its way!
6. "Wake Up Call" Week - three things to do, insha Allah.
7. Norwegian surmelkslapper + strawberry compote - I'd make these for the name alone.
8. the instagrammers: @juliabesidethesea - an interview with one of my favourite instagrammers.
9. quit talking and start doing - yes!
10. glazed orange poppy seed bars - ooh yum.
11. migas breakfast tacos - my kind of breakfast.
12. aloo keema - keema grilled cheeses all the way, my friends.
have a beautiful week everyone - put your ice cream into a waffle cone, quit talking and start doing!