Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Chocolate Apples

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!

This recipe isn't really a recipe, but just a really fun and creative thing to do. Chocolate apples always remind me of this time of year. Nothing says autumn more than a fresh apple on a stick covered in chocolate and other goodies.

A Simple List of Ingredients:

1. Milk Chocolate
2. Apples
3. Rainbow Hundreds and Thousands

Bismillah, let's start!

The first ingredient you'll need is some good old milk chocolate.

In a microwavable bowl, break up 3/4 of a bar of milk chocolate. This will be enough for about 2 apples.

Melt the milk chocolate in the microwave for a minute. Once again, try not to eat it with a spoon!

Next, take an apple of your choice and a lolly pop stick. Make sure the apple has been washed and dried.

Take the stick and push it into the bottom of the apple.

Like this!

Take the apple and start coating it in the melted chocolate.

Coat the apple until it is completely covered in chocolate and then hold it above the bowl until the excess chocolate drips off.

I decided to decorate my chocolate apple with just some simple rainbow hundreds and thousands. But you can decorate them any way you want, with some chopped nuts, chocolate buttons, toffee pieces, coconut, chocolate chips ... basically anything you like!

Once it's decorated, let the apple sit for about half an hour until the chocolate has fully set, then enjoy!!


Chocolate Apples


·     ¾ of a bar of Milk Chocolate
·     2 Apples
·     Sprinkles or any other decoration


1.    Melt the chocolate in the microwave.

2.   Wash and dry the apples.

3.    Push a lolly stick into the bottom of the apple.

4.  Dip the apple into the chocolate. Shake off the excess, and then decorate with the sprinkles.

5.   Allow to set and cool completely before serving!

Spice Enthusiast
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