Sunday 12 November 2017

Current Favourites #5: Dumplings And More!

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Thank you for joining for me for another Current Favourites post! This time, I have butterfly buns, haleem and dumplings for you. The dumpling recipe is already on the blog but I re-shot some of the photos for it yesterday and added in another dipping sauce recipe along with extra notes for those with a pasta machine. I rolled my dough through it yesterday and it made the whole dumpling process so much easier and faster. Can't wait to play around with the pasta machine next time we make mini samosas.

Here's more of what I've been loving lately:

Any glimpse of the sun is most welcome in these dark November days.

Love this from Shutterbean.
 Mum on cupcake duty.
And, they were gluten-free!

Catching up with my cousins and Aunt after what felt like forever.
 My cousin made this spicy, sticky chicken. My favourite! 
We took those orange buns for dessert!

Remember, remember the 5th of November. 
 Gotta have jacket potatoes on Bonfire Night! The full recipe is here.

 A vegetarian curry with potatoes, peas and boiled eggs. The full recipe is here!

 Absolutely love this activity board that my cousin made for my niece. Such a good idea!

 My Mother proving that she is human after all and burning the fried onions for the ....
 ... chicken haleem! I mean, the smoke alarm went off and everything!

 Putting my pasta machine to good use and using it to roll out the dough for dumplings.
 One of my personal favourites. Full recipe is here!

Love this from The Lebanese Plate.

You guys decided! So I guess I should get on it with it!

5 Recipe Ideas for Your Upcoming Week:

1. Fish Fingers
2. Parkin
3. Chicken Madras
5. Spiced Chicken in Yoghurt Sauce

And because you got to the end, here is the link to my current favourite nasheed.

Keep me in your duas please!

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!

Spice Enthusiast
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